Another adoption Journey
Friday, August 2, 2013
For Her!
Dear Birthmother,
You don't know me, and maybe you never will. I can tell you that I don't know exactly what you're going through because all our stories are different. But I can tell you a few things about what you are about to experience.
Please, love your baby. Connect with your baby before he or she is born. Bond with them after they are born. Your baby needs to feel that love from you, because a part of them will always remember that love. You don't ever want to regret not connecting with that baby. It is so worth it. The love you will share, for however short a time until placement, will stay with you forever. It will buoy you up when you start to ache. It is real, and it is unending. You will never stop loving your baby.
Placement will hurt. So much. You may be numb right after, and that's okay. But let yourself hurt. Open yourself up and just ache. You need to feel that pain, don't try to hide from it. There will be mornings you wake up and you will honestly think you can't live another moment. Sometimes the grief will make you want to just curl up and disappear. But I promise you, it will ease. Slowly, day by day, it will ease some. Pray often, and pray hard. No matter how you lived your life prior to placement, our Heavenly Father is there for you. He will hold you, and though you won't be able to see Him or feel Him, He will be there. Then, one day, you'll wake up and you won't immediately cry. One day, you'll be able to look at a picture of your baby with his or her new parents and you will smile. You will be able to recognize the love that is there, and you will be able to relate to that love. One day, you will do something normal. And you will remember how much it hurt before, and be grateful that you made it through the pain.
You will run into people who don't understand, and who will not want to understand why you decided to place. That's okay. You don't need to justify yourself to anyone. It was your decision and yours alone. Nobody else can possibly know what was best for your baby or for you.
And then... someone will come into your life. He will fall in love with you, and he will think you hung the moon. He will learn your story, and will love you BECAUSE you made the decision you did. He will recognize that you are a strong, amazing daughter of God. You made a selfless, incredible sacrifice on behalf of someone else, and because of that your spirit will radiate out to those around you. He will recognize that, and he will cherish you. He will treat you the way that you deserve to be treated.
Not all of this will happen fast, and not all of this will happen in that order. But I promise you this, birthmomma... You are loved. By me, and by thousands of other women who made this decision. You are in a sisterhood, and there will always be someone there to hold you. There are thousands of couples waiting to be chosen who love you because you give them hope by what you have endured, and by what you about to endure. Most important, there is a family out there and we hope that we are it or hope you find the family for your baby it is so hard to express our love and gratitude we will be forever grateful. The love we feel for you is overwhelming. You may never know how important you are to so many people. I pray for you every day, and I hope you can look back on this experience in the future and say "I did something so hard, and I survived. I am happy."
Love, Genesis
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Go to
Friday, October 26, 2012
Our caseworker is fantastic.
I think everyone says that.
But ours really is the bomb!!
One thing she stressed to me is how vital it is for us to actively search for our birth mom.
That's where you all come in.
we need your help.
Spread the word.
Post our website on facebook.
Send our info to anyone our info is
Do you know someone who is considering her options?
Pass along our info.
We are so incredibly grateful.
Our friends and family are the very best.
We love you
and are so grateful to you all
we appreciate your prayers,
not only for us.
But for her.
Help her find us.
Help us find her.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Our Fundraiser sale! Thank you all :)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Here are the ways you can help:
Friday, July 13, 2012
The Journey begins again!
Friday, October 14, 2011
For you...
Dear Birthmother,
You don't know me, and maybe you never will. I can tell you that I don't know exactly what you're going through because all our stories are different. But I can tell you a few things about what you are about to experience.
Please, love your baby. Connect with your baby before he or she is born. Bond with them after they are born. Your baby needs to feel that love from you, because a part of them will always remember that love. You don't ever want to regret not connecting with that baby. It is so worth it. The love you will share, for however short a time until placement, will stay with you forever. It will buoy you up when you start to ache. It is real, and it is unending. You will never stop loving your baby.
Placement will hurt. So much. You may be numb right after, and that's okay. But let yourself hurt. Open yourself up and just ache. You need to feel that pain, don't try to hide from it. There will be mornings you wake up and you will honestly think you can't live another moment. Sometimes the grief will make you want to just curl up and disappear. But I promise you, it will ease. Slowly, day by day, it will ease some. Pray often, and pray hard. No matter how you lived your life prior to placement, our Heavenly Father is there for you. He will hold you, and though you won't be able to see Him or feel Him, He will be there. Then, one day, you'll wake up and you won't immediately cry. One day, you'll be able to look at a picture of your baby with his or her new parents and you will smile. You will be able to recognize the love that is there, and you will be able to relate to that love. One day, you will do something normal. And you will remember how much it hurt before, and be grateful that you made it through the pain.
You will run into people who don't understand, and who will not want to understand why you decided to place. That's okay. You don't need to justify yourself to anyone. It was your decision and yours alone. Nobody else can possibly know what was best for your baby or for you.
And then... someone will come into your life. He will fall in love with you, and he will think you hung the moon. He will learn your story, and will love you BECAUSE you made the decision you did. He will recognize that you are a strong, amazing daughter of God. You made a selfless, incredible sacrifice on behalf of someone else, and because of that your spirit will radiate out to those around you. He will recognize that, and he will cherish you. He will treat you the way that you deserve to be treated.
Not all of this will happen fast, and not all of this will happen in that order. But I promise you this, birthmomma... You are loved. By me, and by thousands of other women who made this decision. You are in a sisterhood, and there will always be someone there to hold you. There are thousands of couples waiting to be chosen who love you because you give them hope by what you have endured, and by what you about to endure. Most important, there is a family out there and we hope that we are it or hope you find the family for your baby it is so hard to express our love and gratitude we will be forever grateful. The love we feel for you is overwhelming. You may never know how important you are to so many people. I pray for you every day, and I hope you can look back on this experience in the future and say "I did something so hard, and I survived. I am happy."
Love, Genesis
Thursday, September 1, 2011
We pray for you during this difficult time and hope you have lots of love and support surrounding you. We hope we get the chance to know you!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
We are very grateful for your willingness to read a little about our lives and letting us give you a glimpse of what we are all about. We respect you for your courage in making such a difficult decision, and pray that you can do what is best for you and your child. We also want you to know of the love that we feel for you.
Jason: It is certainly hard to limit your life to a few paragraphs and get all of the meat and potatoes in, but I'd love to give it a try. Ever since I can remember I have been absolutely crazy about sports. I have many fond memories of attending sporting events with my family and more often than not with my Dad. I have always had a great desire to teach my children sports and would love to be their support as they learn the wonderful qualities of teamwork, fair play, discipline, and others. I want to instill confidence in my children that they can accomplish anything that they put their minds to.
Besides being physically active I love to play challenging board games and strategy games with my family. Learning has become ever more interesting the older that I've grown. I suppose the biggest learning experience as of yet would be my marriage with Genesis. She certainly is the most loving individual that I have ever met. There is hardly a day that will go by that she isn't doing something for me just to make my life a little easier. She absolutely loves animals and is constantly "hinting" or as she calls it, "planting seeds" to get me interested in some kind of pet. One of Genesis' greatest qualities is her love for children no matter who they are. Whenever a baby enters the room I get myself good and comfortable because I know that we won't be leaving for a long time and I won't be getting much attention for a while. That is just Genesis. Her smile definitely lights up a room!
Genesis: A little bit about myself: I love to try new things that usually involve crafts, scrap booking and decorating. I love spending time outdoors with my family as well.
I am ½ Thai and bring my culture into our home—we celebrate Thai New Year and I love to cook Thai spicy food!
I wanted to share with you how me and Jason met. I got Baptized in February 2002 ,and I was a new convert to the church; little did I know I would meet my prince charming there! I was asked as a new member to go and give a talk of my conversion. My mother in law enjoyed my talk so much so she wrote Jason a letter while he was on his mission and let him know that I was a new convert and my testimony was strong. When Jason came home he had to give his talk in sacrament meeting and it was his homecoming talk that really did the trick. I was going through a really hard time being the only member in my family and I needed some inspiration and happiness to get through this hard time. When Jason went up to give his talk I thought he's good looking I wonder if he would go on a date with me ? So when Jason gave his talk he said words that hit me hard when he talked about loving the Lord so much and putting God first in his life. I needed to hear that so bad It sure helped me so much.. I went up to thank Jason for his beautiful talk and how I appreciated it so much.
Through a little match making on his mothers side were finally able to go out on a date. When things started getting serious I had to make a choice between going on a mission or getting married. After time apart and a lot of prayers I knew we needed to be together.
We wanted to begin our family shortly after we married, but we were faced with infertility. We finally decided that adoption would be the right choice for us. We wanted to be parents in any way possible. We were thrilled when a birth mother in Louisiana chose us to be parents to their baby girl. Unfortunately, when we flew out to meet them , they changed their minds and we were empty-handed.
We were devastated but decided that we should make the most out of the situation . While sightseeing Louisiana we got a call that another birth mother would like to meet us in Georgia. We felt so blessed and knew we wouldn’t have had the opportunity if we had went home discouraged. We quickly went to Georgia and once again had the hopes that a new baby would soon be ours.
In May 2008, we were able to bring our new baby Elijah home. I feel so blessed to stay home with him and watch him grow. He is such a fun little boy and has brought so much happiness into our home. We feel so grateful to his birth parents who made this sacrifice. We are often in contact with them through letters, pictures and occasional phone calls. If they lived closer we would also be comfortable with visits.
Elijah just turned 5 May of this year. We would love to have another child and a playmate for him. We have done fertility treatments, adoption and we even were foster parents, hoping that we would be led in the right direction or it would lead us to a adoption. However that has not panned out yet...
We will be 100% honest with our future child about their adoption and what a miracle it is . He or she will know of the enormous love that you have for them and of the courage and sacrifice that you made on their behalf. We will forever be grateful to have this opportunity.
I am the oldest of 1 (I have 1 younger brother). I grew up back and forth from Utah and moved back to Thailand.. In my free time (Ha!) I enjoy reading, crafting, scrap booking, and blogging and refinishing furniture of course photography it's my life.
Jason is the 2nd of 3 kids, and grew up in Taylorsville , Utah.. He served a mission to Vladivostok, Russia for our church. He enjoys playing with our boy, Going on walks with the family. Playing video games and playing softball and Basketball. :)
Thank you.
Thank you for being willing to consider adoption. It has been a huge blessing in our lives, and we know without a doubt that our Father in Heaven is very much involved in adoption. We want you to know that we're willing to have an open adoption and open relationship with you.
We promise to love and cherish your baby. He/she will have 1 big brother that will always look out for and protect and love him/her. We promise that we will make education an important part of your child's life. We will do everything we can to help him/her with their education. It will be encouraged. We will set up a mission) fund as soon as its possible, so that when the time comes the financial part will be taken care of. We appreciate the time and expense it may take to develop your child's interests and talents, and we will make every effort to let them pursue their dreams.
Monday, April 4, 2011
"There is something called prayer trading, and we're going to trade prayers with somebody. Somewhere out there is a girl praying for a good family for her baby. We are praying for a good tummy with a baby in it, and we're going to answer each others' prayers" -Troy Dunn
With Love,